
Our research services are primarily used to help organizations find out the level of satisfaction of their customers so as to know what changes to make for possible improvement.


Given access and required authorization and support, we collect and analyze information required to deliver excellent service to our clients’ customers.


Hence, under research services, we provide the following:


Feedback Tools: We help service-oriented organizations with feedback collection tools required to get the opinion of customers and tap into the opportunities in customer complaints.


We have decent easy-to-use complaint/suggestion box with accompanying accessories for reception areas or any other location strategic for data collection.


Data Analysis: Using the data collected, we help our clients to measure customer loyalty by applying Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology. Customer Effort Score (CES) are derived for organizations that would like to measure customer effort and reduce it to increase loyalty.


Customer Satisfaction Surveys: We help organizations conduct customizable customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys using different tools and techniques.